Born on February, What is my Zodiac Sign?

If you are born on February month then your zodiac sign will be vary following date range.


January 20 - February 18 Aquarius Sign


February 19 - March 20 Pisces Sign

February Month Zodiac Sign Chart

This February Month Zodiac Sign Chart will help you to findout exact zodiac sign associated with your birthday.

DayZodiac NameZodiac SignZodiac Sun Sign
February 1 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 2 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 3 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 4 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 5 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 6 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 7 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 8 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 9 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 10 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 11 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 12 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 13 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 14 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 15 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 16 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 17 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 18 Aquarius Aquarius Sign
February 19 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 20 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 21 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 22 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 23 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 24 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 25 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 26 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 27 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 28 Pisces Pisces Sign
February 29 Pisces Pisces Sign

Born in February? Discover Your Zodiac Sign!

February, the month of love and a fresh start, is home to two distinct zodiac signs: Aquarius and Pisces. Each sign possesses unique characteristics and traits that shape the personalities of individuals born under them. Determining your zodiac sign is simple, as it depends on the specific date of your birth.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

If your birthday falls between January 20th and February 18th, then you are an Aquarius. Ruled by the planet Uranus, this air sign is known for its intellectual curiosity, independent spirit, and unconventional approach to life.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Those born between February 19th and March 20th are Pisces. This water sign is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions. Pisces are known for their compassionate nature, artistic sensitivity, and intuitive understanding of others.

Understanding your zodiac sign can provide insights into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. However, remember that astrology is a guide, not a definitive statement about who you are. Your individual experiences and choices also play a significant role in shaping your unique identity.

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