Born on May, What is my Zodiac Sign?

If you are born on May month then your zodiac sign will be vary following date range.


April 20 - May 20 Taurus Sign


May 21 - June 20 Gemini Sign

May Month Zodiac Sign Chart

This May Month Zodiac Sign Chart will help you to findout exact zodiac sign associated with your birthday.

DayZodiac NameZodiac SignZodiac Sun Sign
May 1 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 2 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 3 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 4 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 5 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 6 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 7 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 8 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 9 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 10 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 11 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 12 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 13 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 14 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 15 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 16 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 17 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 18 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 19 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 20 Taurus Taurus Sign
May 21 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 22 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 23 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 24 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 25 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 26 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 27 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 28 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 29 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 30 Gemini Gemini Sign
May 31 Gemini Gemini Sign

Born in May? Your Zodiac Sign Is...

May babies, you're in for a treat! Your birth month is home to two vibrant and powerful zodiac signs: Taurus and Gemini. Let's dive into these signs to find out which one you are.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

* **The Earth Sign:** Taureans are known for being grounded, practical, and reliable. They are like the solid foundation of a house, steady and dependable. * **Sensual Delights:** They love indulging in all the pleasures life has to offer – delicious food, beautiful art, and soft music. * **Loyal and Patient:** Taureans are deeply loyal to their loved ones and have a remarkable amount of patience. * **Strengths:** They're strong, patient, reliable, and have a keen eye for beauty. * **Potential Challenges:** Can be stubborn, possessive, and sometimes materialistic.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

* **The Air Sign:** Geminis are known for their quick wit, adaptability, and love of communication. They're like the wind, constantly moving and exploring new ideas. * **Dual Nature:** Geminis are often described as having two sides – one that's playful and social, and another that's more introspective and analytical. * **Curious and Inquisitive:** They have a thirst for knowledge and are always eager to learn something new. * **Strengths:** They're smart, adaptable, social, and have a great sense of humor. * **Potential Challenges:** Can be scattered, indecisive, and sometimes gossipy.

Finding Your Sign

To find your exact zodiac sign, you need to know your birthday and the exact time of your birth. This information is important because the sun's position in the zodiac changes slightly throughout the day. If you're unsure, you can use an online birth chart calculator to determine your sign.

Whether you're a Taurus or a Gemini, May babies bring a unique blend of energy and passion to the world. Embrace your sign, and let it shine!

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