Born on September, What is my Zodiac Sign?

If you are born on September month then your zodiac sign will be vary following date range.


August 23 - September 22 Virgo Sign


September 23 - October 22 Libra Sign

September Month Zodiac Sign Chart

This September Month Zodiac Sign Chart will help you to findout exact zodiac sign associated with your birthday.

DayZodiac NameZodiac SignZodiac Sun Sign
September 1 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 2 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 3 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 4 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 5 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 6 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 7 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 8 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 9 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 10 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 11 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 12 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 13 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 14 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 15 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 16 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 17 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 18 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 19 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 20 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 21 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 22 Virgo Virgo Sign
September 23 Libra Libra Sign
September 24 Libra Libra Sign
September 25 Libra Libra Sign
September 26 Libra Libra Sign
September 27 Libra Libra Sign
September 28 Libra Libra Sign
September 29 Libra Libra Sign
September 30 Libra Libra Sign

Born in September? Discover Your Zodiac Sign!

If you were born in September, you're blessed with a birth month brimming with two distinct personalities - the grounded Virgo and the passionate Libra. To uncover your true zodiac sign, simply check your birthdate!

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgos, known for their meticulous nature and sharp intellect, rule the first half of September.

* Strengths: Analytical, practical, detail-oriented, loyal, helpful, and organized. * Weaknesses: Overly critical, worrywart, perfectionist, shy, and overly fussy. * Element: Earth * Ruling Planet: Mercury * Symbol: The Virgin

If you're a Virgo, you possess a strong work ethic and thrive in structured environments. You're a natural problem solver and love to analyze things to the core. Your keen eye for detail makes you an excellent critic, but remember to temper your inner critic and appreciate the bigger picture.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libras, the diplomats of the zodiac, grace the latter half of September.

* Strengths: Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social, and charming. * Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontation, self-indulgent, and easily influenced. * Element: Air * Ruling Planet: Venus * Symbol: The Scales

Libras are known for their love of harmony and balance. You're naturally drawn to beautiful things and enjoy socializing with friends and family. Your diplomatic skills make you a natural mediator, but remember to stand your ground and make assertive decisions.

To determine your specific zodiac sign, simply check your birthdate. If you were born between August 23rd and September 22nd, you're a Virgo. If your birthday falls between September 23rd and October 22nd, you're a Libra.

Embrace the strengths of your zodiac sign and learn to navigate your weaknesses. Whether you're a meticulous Virgo or a harmonious Libra, your birth month holds unique qualities that contribute to your personality and make you who you are.

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